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  jata  Malaysia's Free Trade Agreements
Malaysia - Turkey


  • The First meeting of the Malaysia-Turkey Free Trade Agreement (MTFTA) was held in Ankara on 31 May-1 June 2010.

  • A total of nine (9) rounds of MTFTA negotiations were held with the final or concluding round held on 13-15 January in Ankara, Turkey. The Agreement later was signed by YB. Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia and Hon. Nihat Zeybekci, Minister of Economy of The Republic of Turkey on 17 April 2014 in Ankara, Turkey.

  • MTFTA came into force on 1 August 2015.

  • Malaysia was able to lock-in tariff preferences that were either on par with, or better than, those previously granted under Turkey’s Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), which were no longer available for Malaysia, beginning 1 January 2014.  As such, with the signing and subsequent entry into force of MTFTA, Malaysian exporters can continue to gain preferential market access into and also remain competitive in the Turkish market.

  • The main text of the Agreement can be viewed via MTFTA Agreement