Malaysia and Pakistan established the Malaysia-Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (MPCEPA) on 8 November 2007. MPCEPA came into force on 1 January 2008.
The MPCEPA encompasses liberalisation in trade in goods and services, investment, as well as bilateral technical cooperation and capacity building in areas such as sanitary and phytosanitary measures, intellectual property protection, construction, tourism, healthcare and telecommunications.
The full text of the Agreement can be reviewed via this link MPCEPA Agreement
In 2016:
Malaysia’s trade with Pakistan expanded by 11.1% to RM5.56 billion (US$1.34 billion) from RM5.01 billion (US$1.29 billion) in 2015.
Total exports increased by 17.8% to RM4.85 billion (US$1.17 billion) from RM4.12 billion (US$1.06 billion) in 2015.
Total imports decreased by 20.1% to RM711.9 million (US$172.1 million) as compared to RM891.3 million (US$230.0 million) in 2015.
Major exports to Pakistan in 2016:
Palm Oil and Palm-Based Agriculture Products
Chemicals and Chemical Products
Electrical and Electronic Products
Machinery, Equipment and Parts
Major imports from Pakistan in 2016:
Other Agricultures
Textiles, Apparels and Footwear
Seafood, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen
Chemicals and Chemical Products
General Provisions
Trade in Goods
Rules of Origin
Customs Procedures and Cooperation
Trade Remedies
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Technical Barriers to Trade
Trade in Services
Intellectual Property
Economic Cooperation
Dispute Settlement Mechanism
General Exceptions
Final Provisions
Exporting to Pakistan
If you are exporting to Pakistan, please click this link to check on the preferential duties under MPCEPA:
Nevertheless, in order for your product to enjoy the preferential duties, it must fulfill the Rules of Origin (ROO) criteria under MPCEPA.
Products listed under Pakistan’s Exclusion List (EL) do not qualify for duty reduction or elimination under MPCEPA. The Pakistani importer would need to pay the duty based on the current MFN rate.
Importing from Pakistan
If you are importing from Pakistan, please click this link to check on the preferential duties under MPCEPA:
Nevertheless, in order for the product to enjoy the preferential duties, it must fulfill the Rules of Origin (ROO) criteria under MPCEPA.
Products listed under Malaysia’s Exclusion List (EL) do not qualify for duty reduction or elimination under MPCEPA. The Malaysian importer would need to pay the duty based on the current MFN rate.
How does your product enjoy the Preferential Duties?
Interested parties can review the specific rules related to your product in the following links:
The MPCEPA is a comprehensive agreement and it covers liberalization of Trade in Services as well. Pakistan offered maximum foreign equity participation of 60% in all sectors and there are no limitations on the number of Malaysian employed per organization. Sectors of interest to Malaysia include professional services, construction and related engineering services, education services and telecommunication services.
For Malaysian service providers going to Pakistan:
Pakistan's Schedules of Specific Services Commitments
For Pakistan service providers coming to Malaysia:
For Preferential Certificate of Origin / Rules of Origin related matters, please contact:
For other enquiries, please contact the FTA focal point(s) as follows:
Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
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Last updated : 26-03-2025
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