MICECA is a comprehensive agreement that covers trade in goods, trade in services, investments and movement of natural persons. It value-adds to the benefits shared from ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIG) and will further facilitate and enhance two-way trade , services, investment and economic relations in general.
The main text of the Agreement can be reviewed via this link MICECA Agreement
In 2016:
trade with India amounted to US$10.77 billion (RM44.50 billion) from US$12.02 billion (RM46.80 billion), decrease of 4.9% from 2015;
exports recorded a decrease of 7.0%, valued at US$7.13 billion (RM29.44 billion) from US$8.12 billion (RM31.67 billion) at 2015;
imports decreased by 0.5% to US$3.64 billion (RM15.06 billion) from US$3.90 billion (RM15.14 billion) at 2015;
Major exports to India in 2016:
Palm Oil & Palm-Based Products
Electrical and Electronic Products
Crude Petroleum
Manufactures of Metal
Chemicals and Chemical Products
Saw Logs
Major imports from India in 2016:
Petroleum Products
Manufactures of Metal
Other Agricultures – Live Animals and Meat
Chemicals and Chemical Products
Machinery, equipment and parts
Iron & Steel Products
In 2016, India was Malaysia’s:
7th largest trading partner
7th largest export destination
11th largest import sources
Areas covered under MICECA include:
Initial Provisions and General Definition
Trade in Goods
Rules of Origin
Customs Cooperation
Trade Remedies
Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Measures
Technical Barriers to Trade
Trade in Services
Movement of Natural Persons
Economic Cooperation
General Exceptions
Dispute Settlement
Institutional Provisions
Final Provisions
Under MICECA, both Malaysia and India will progressively reduce or eliminate tariffs on their respective industrial and agricultural products. Modality for tariff liberalisation for good under MICECA is AITIG plus, with fewer product being exempted from tariff concession (reduction or elimination) and shorter timeframe for reduction or elimination of tariff.
Key features of the tariff liberalisation package under MICECA are:
Elimination or reduction of tariff gradually from the date the Agreement enters into force as of 1 July 2011. The modalities of tariff elimination reduction are as follows:
Normal Track 1 (NT1): tariffs on all products listed in NT1 will be eliminated by 30 September 2013, i.e., three months in advance of AITIG;
Normal Track 2 (NT2): tariffs on all products listed in NT2 will be eliminated by 30 June 2016, i.e., six months in advance of AITIG; and
Sensitive Track (ST): tariffs on all products listed in ST will be reduced to 5% by 30 June 2016, i.e., six months in advance of AITIG.
Malaysia has been granted better concessions for palm oil and palm oil products under MICECA:
India will bind tariffs on refined palm oil (RPO) at 45% by 31 December 2018 (one year earlier than India’s committed timeline under AITIG).
India will bind tariffs on 3 palm products at 45% by 31 December 2018 (these 3 products were excluded from tariff concessions under AITIG).
For Exclusion List (EL), India has excluded 1,225 products under MICECA compared with 1,298 under AITIG. Malaysia has excluded 838 products under MICECA, compared with 898 under AITIG.
Exporting to India
If you are exporting to India, please click this link to check on the preferential duties under MICECA:
India - Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Nevertheless, in order for your product to enjoy the preferential duties, it must fulfill the Rules of Origin (ROO) criteria under MICECA.
Products listed under India’s Exclusion List (EL) do not qualify for duty reduction or elimination under MICECA. The Indian importer would need to pay the duty based on the current MFN rate.
Importing from India
If you are importing from India, please click this link to check on the preferential duties under MICECA:
Malaysia - Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Nevertheless, in order for the product to enjoy the preferential duties, it must fulfill the Rules of Origin (ROO) criteria under MICECA.
Products listed under Malaysia’s Exclusion List (EL) do not qualify for duty reduction or elimination under MICECA. The Malaysian importer would need to pay the duty based on the current MFN rate. Kindly click this link for Malaysia’s EL:
In order for your product to enjoy the preferential duties, it must fulfill the Rules of Origin (ROO) criteria under MICECA which are:
It must be wholly obtained from the country of origin; OR
It has undergone substantial transformation in term of change of tariff classification in the subheading at the six digit level of the HS (CTSH); AND
Qualifying Value Content of not less than 35% of the FOB value.
Interested parties can review the specific rules related to your product in the following links.
List of Products under the Product Specific Rules
Sample of the Certificate of Origin (CO) Form - Form MICECA (Annex 3-3.1 Certificate of Origin)
India has committed to allow Malaysian foreign equity shareholding ranging from 49 to 100% in 84 services sub-sectors, including in professional services, healthcare, telecommunications, retail and environmental services. In return, Malaysia has made commitments to allow Indian foreign equity shareholding in 91 services sub-sectors.
MICECA also contains a dedicated chapter that facilitates the temporary entry of installers and servicers, contractual service suppliers, independent professionals and business visitors (including potential investors) from Malaysia into India, and vice versa.
For Preferential Certificate of Origin / Rules of Origin related matters, please contact:
For other enquiries, please contact the FTA focal point(s) as follows:
Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
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